Quick view Add to cart Needle for home sawing machines 70 size Price 80 Ft Needle for home sawing machines 70 size, one side is flat.
Quick view Add to cart Jersely needle for home sawing machines - sortiment Price 110 Ft Stretch needle for home sawing machines, it can be purchased by one piece, usually used for elastic materials. Please write in the comment section...
Quick view Add to cart Jersely needle for home sawing machines - sortiment Price 110 Ft Jersely needle for home sawing machines, it can be purchased by one piece, usually used for elastic materials. Please write in the comment section...
Quick view Add to cart Needle package Price 670 Ft A needle package which contains small and large needles for every use.
Quick view Add to cart Needle for home sawing machines 90 size Price 80 Ft Needle for home sawing machines 90 size, one side is flat.
Quick view Add to cart Needle for home sawing machines 80 size Price 80 Ft Needle for home sawing machines 80 size, one side is flat.